Resource efficiency
Resource efficiency helps to manage resources efficiently throughout their life cycle, from production and consumption to waste management and recycling. Therefore, the transition to a resource-efficient circular economy, focusing on the reuse, improvement, renewal and recycling of existing materials and products, is important for our future competitiveness and sustainable growth. Based on these principles, a resource efficiency measure for companies of the Ministry of the Environment has been created.
resource audits
grant application
22+ M€
applied for
success rate
The primary objective of a resource audit is to map all industry problem areas that need specific solutions to ensure the proper, optimal and sustainable use of any systems in each area. To this end, a thorough inspection and systems inspection will be carried out.
The second objective of the audit is to identify savings based on investment plans and mapping with suggestions for improvements and potential technical solutions, together with the necessary investments and cost-effectiveness calculations. The end result is a resource audit, which gives the company a clear overview of all areas, with specific investment needs and profitability in each area.
What is the purpose of a resource audit?
Who receives support and in which cases
Support is available to companies of all sizes from the manufacturing and mining sectors. The field is defined according to the EMTAK code – the main activity must be EMTAK B or C. According to the practice, investments in production technology that ensure the best use of resources are supported. Information about the current application round can be found HERE.
Examples of supported solutions:
- wood industry – planer, veneer line, glulam technology, finger joint, boilers, dryers, saws
- metal industry – laser, water cutting, bent, CNC benches, hardening, painting, welding
- others – washing lines, ovens, automatic warehouses, excavation equipment, printing machines, SMD lines
Resource efficiency and its preparation stages
What does DeltaE offer and what are the next steps?
The goal of Engineering Office DeltaE Engineering Office is to offer a complete solution and bring money home to the client cost-effectively! We are responsible for conducting top-level audits that cover resources, energy and real solutions to save energy costs. Writing project applications, the success of which determines the 50% probability of receiving money. And in order for the solutions to be realized, the procurement, which according to statistics is the main reason for financial corrections. If necessary, we also provide project management and owner supervision services.
The usual schedule for the complete solution process
Stage |
Time |
Data collection | 1. – 2 weeks |
Conducting a resource audit | 4 – 6 weeks |
Writing a grant application | 2 – 3 weeks |
Procurement conducting | 2 – 3 weeks |
Implementation of solutions | < 18 months |
Monitoring | 3 years |
Reporting | 3 years |
Check out the support measure
DeltaE Engineering Office ensures that the resource audit prepared by us fully complies with the requirements of the Environmental Investment Centre. New rounds of resource efficiency investments will be opened in 2022, the financial volumes of which will be approved on an ongoing basis. As preliminary information, there is talk of nearly € 50,000,000 in support. The amount of support is up to € 200,000 and can even increase to € 1,000,000 depending on the exact conditions of the rounds. According to current information, resource efficiency must improve by at least 1% and cost efficiency by> 2. In essence, any production technology investment qualifies provided that no resource is saved (except time and labour costs).
All sectors of the manufacturing industry are eligible (with some exceptions as described in the Regulation): wood industry, plastics industry, mining industry, chemical industry, textile industry, printing industry, paper industry, building materials industry, furniture industry, mechanical engineering, metal industry, electronics industry, food industry and others.
Check out the resource efficiency support measure on the Environmental Investment Centre (KIK) website.
As of today, those who operate early and start the process before the rounds open will be successful, otherwise there is a great risk of simply losing support subsidies!
Ended proposals
The resource productivity of Estonian industrial enterprises is quite low compared to other European countries. In order to improve this indicator, the Ministry of the Environment is implementing the measure „Resource Efficiency of Enterprises“ from the Structural Funds with a total volume of approximately 220 M €, of which 110 M € are European Union funds.
In total, approximately 80 M € was distributed as support to the manufacturing and mining industries, where the support per company was up to 2,000,000 €. Depending on the amount of support, the support rate was 25-50% of the total investment cost. The main eligibility criterion was met if resource efficiency improves by 1% / 5% and cost-effectiveness is> 2. The first prerequisite for receiving support was conducting a resource audit.
To date, the funds for the measure have been exhausted from a specific program. The third or last round is still going on, applications will be accepted and a little more money will come, but there are no high hopes to apply for this round anymore. In 2022, information will be disseminated about the support volume of up to 35 M €. For more information, take part in the training or ask for a free consultation.
Tutvu toetusmeetmega
DeltaE Inseneribüroo tagab, et meie poolt koostatud ressursiaudit vastab täielikult Keskkonnainvesteeringute Keskuse nõuetele. Ressursitõhususe investeeringuteks avatakse 2020 aasta mais/juunis 3. voor, kogumahuga ca 7 000 000 €, kus toetuse suurus on kuni 200 000 € ning ressursitõhusus peab paranema vähemalt 1% ja kuluefektiivsus olema > 2. Sisuliselt kvalifitseerub mistahes tootmistehnoloogiline investeering eeldusel, et mingit ressurssi kokku hoitakse (välja arvatud aeg ja tööjõukulu).
Toetust saavad taotleda kõik töötleva tööstuse sektorid (mõningate erisustega, mis on kirjeldatud määruses): puidutööstus, plastitööstus, mäetööstus, keemiatööstus, tekstiilitööstus, trükitööstus, paberitööstus, ehitusmaterjalide tööstus, mööblitööstus, masinaehitus, metallitööstus, elektroonikatööstus, toiduainetööstus jt.
Tutvu ressursitõhususe toetusmeetmega KIKi kodulehel ja KEMi kodulehel.
DeltaE Engineering vs. consulting company
1. Standard audit
2. Planning ability and experience
3. Preparation of an audit of energy saving solutions
4. Experience in installation and implementation of technical solutions
5. Highly competent and broad-based team
6. Involvement of equipment and performance of basic measurements
7. Possibilities for additional analyzes and measurements
8. Monitoring and surveillance system solutions
9. Ability and experience in writing an investment application
10. Procurement and owner supervision services
Resource efficiency projects prepared by DeltaE and Energex
*Amount of support – the assigned support is reflected, which may differ from the one used (reflected on the EIC website)
Valmos OÜ
- Wood industry
- Support 1 299 756 €
- Investment 3 977 333 €
- Audit completion date 2018
- Project info →
Arco Metal OÜ
- Furniture industry
- Support 337 500 €
- Investment 720 000 €
- Audit completion date 2019
- Project info →
Puidukoda OÜ
- Wood industry
- Support 150 000 €
- Investment 279 000 €
- Audit completion date 2018
- Project info →
Puidukoda OÜ
- Wood industry
- Support 70 000 €
- Investment 280 000 €
- Audit completion date 2020
- Project info →
Ecobirch AS
- Wood industry
- Support 702 188 €
- Investment 1 530 293 €
- Audit completion date 2020
- Project info →
Põltsamaa Uksetehas OÜ
- Wood industry
- Support 301 507 €
- Investment 670 016 €
- Audit completion date 2019
Reideni Plaat AS
- Plastics industry
- Support 150 000 €
- Investment 227 000 €
- Audit completion date 2018
- Project info →
Krimelte OÜ
- Chemical industry
- Support 192 500 €
- Investment 400 000 €
- Audit completion date 2019
- Project info →
Dagöplast AS
- Plastics industry
- Support 1 868 911 €
- Investment 5 339 745 €
- Audit completion date 2019
- Project info →
Bauroc AS
- Building materials industry
- Support 134 466 €
- Investment 268 932 €
- Audit completion date 2020
BLRT Toorik OÜ
- Metal industry
- Support 200 000 €
- Investment 875 000 €
- Audit completion date 2018
- Project info →
Baltic Premator OÜ
- Metal industry
- Support 600 000 €
- Investment 2 400 000 €
- Audit completion date 2019
- Project info →
- Metal industry
- Support 200 000 €
- Investment 535 955 €
- Audit completion date 2018
- Project info →
OG Elektra Tootmine AS
- Food industry
- Support 83 640 €
- Investment 334 560 €
- Audit completion date 2019
- Project info →
K-Print OÜ
- Printing industry
- Support 113 572 €
- Investment 227 145 €
- Audit completion date 2021
- Project info →
K-Print OÜ
- Printing industry
- Support 1 015 840 €
- Investment 2 902 400 €
- Audit completion date 2020
- Project info →
Clyde Bergemann Eesti AS
- Metal industry
- Support 47 500 €
- Investment 95 000 €
- Audit completion date 2020
- Project info →
Eesti Elecster AS
- Metal industry
- Support 161 999 €
- Investment 307 636 €
- Audit completion date 2019
- Project info →
Eesti Höövelliist OÜ
- Wood industry
- Support 110 000 €
- Investment 146 000€
- Audit completion date 2020
- Project info →
Estanc AS
- Metal industry
- Support 166 040 €
- Investment 474 400 €
- Audit completion date 2019
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FinEst Steel AS
- Metal industry
- Support 700 000 €
- Investment 2 000 000 €
- Audit completion date 2019
- Project info →
Fors MW AS
- Metal industry
- Support 200 000 €
- Investment 699 000 €
- Audit completion date 2019
- Project info →
Höhle OÜ
- Plastics industry
- Support 1 439 136 €
- Investment 4 111 817 €
- Audit completion date 2019
- Project info →
Kadarbiku Köögivili OÜ
- Food industry
- Support 150 000 €
- Investment 300 000 €
- Audit completion date 2020
- Project info →
Kane Metall AS
- Metal industry
- Support 157 500 €
- Investment 315 000 €
- Audit completion date 2019
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Karu Katus OÜ
- Metal industry
- Support 200 000 €
- Investment391 286 €
- Audit completion date 2019
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Kroonipuu OÜ
- Wood industry
- Support 900 000 €
- Investment 2 000 000 €
- Audit completion date 2019
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Kulinaaria OÜ
- Food processing industry
- Support 137 500 €
- Investment 550 000 €
- Audit completion date 2019
- Project info →
Kunda Nordic Tsement AS
- Building materials industry
- Support 690 000 €
- Investment 2 760 000 €
- Audit completion date 2020
- Project info →
Lotus Timber OÜ
- Wood industry
- Support 2 000 000 €
- Investment 5 714 286 €
- Audit completion date 2018
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Metallituba OÜ
- Metal industry
- Support 107 500 €
- Investment 215 000 €
- Audit completion date 2020
- Project info →
MP & Puitmeister OÜ
- Wood industry
- Support 271 900 €
- Investment 143 800 €
- Audit completion date 2020
- Project info →
Multimek Baltic OÜ
- Metal industry
- Support 920 850 €
- Investment 2 533 325 €
- Audit completion date 2019
- Project info →
Multimek Baltic OÜ
- Metal industry
- Support 55 000 €
- Investment 110 000 €
- Audit completion date 2019
- Project info →
Nordic Metal Works OÜ
- Metal industry
- Support 200 000 €
- Investment 364 630 €
- Audit completion date 2019
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Orthez OÜ
- Wood industry
- Support 183 550 €
- Investment 367 100 €
- Audit completion date 2020
- Project info →
Oshino Electronics Estonia OÜ
- Electronics industry
- Support 153 500 €
- Investment 307 000 €
- Audit completion date 2019
- Project info →
Peat Mill OÜ
- Chemical industry
- Support 196 100 €
- Investment 392 200 €
- Audit completion date 2021
- Project info →
Portlif Grupp OÜ
- Oil industry
- Support 200 000 €
- Investment445 000 €
- Audit completion date 2019
- Project info →
Priimo Mets OÜ
- Wood industry
- Support 236 628 €
- Investment 525 840 €
- Audit completion date 2019
- Project info → OÜ
- Wood industry
- Support 319 610 €
- Investment 710 245 €
- Audit completion date 2020
- Project info →
Sjolund Estonia OÜ
- Metal industry
- Support 199 697 €
- Investment 399 394 €
- Audit completion date 2020
- Project info →
Romec Metall OÜ
- Metal industry
- Support 200 000 €
- Investment 444 444 €
- Audit completion date 2020
- Project info →
Scanfil OÜ
- Electronics industry
- Support 200 000 €
- Investment 1 337 232 €
- Audit completion date 2019
- Project info →
- Machinery industry
- Support 200 000 €
- Investment 571 429 €
- Audit completion date 2019
- Project info →
Ruukki Products AS
- Metal industry
- Support 804 563 €
- Investment3 218 250 €
- Audit completion date 2019
- Project info →
Siidrikoda OÜ
- Food processing industry
- Support 122 050 €
- Investment 385 000 €
- Audit completion date 2019
- Project info →
Viking Window AS
- Wood industry
- Support 120 000 €
- Investment 240000 €
- Audit completion date 2019
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Sockmann Group OÜ
- Textile industry
- Support 196 339 €
- Investment 400 000 €
- Audit completion date 2019
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Tammer OÜ
- Metal industry
- Support 129 500 €
- Investment 370 000 €
- Audit completion date 2020
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Tapa Mill OÜ
- Wood industry
- Support 200 000 €
- Investment 575 000 €
- Audit completion date 2019
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Retlar OÜ
- Furniture industry
- Support 197 725 €
- Investment 440 930 €
- Audit completion date 2019
- Project info →
Valga Depoo AS
- Metal industry
- Support 200 000 €
- Investment 800 000 €
- Audit completion date 2020
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Universal Industries OÜ
- Furniture industry
- Support 200 000 €
- Investment 703 800 €
- Audit completion date 2019
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Toode AS
- Metal industry
- Support 198 598 €
- Investment 397 195 €
- Audit completion date 2020
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Tohvri Puit OÜ
- Furniture industry
- Support 200 000 €
- Investment 395 011 €
- Audit completion date 2019
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Tarmetec OÜ
- Metal industry
- Support 199 663 €
- Investment 475 000 €
- Audit completion date 2019
- Project info →
Tarmetec OÜ
- Metal industry
- Support 173 250 €
- Investment 495 000 €
- Audit completion date 2019
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Thermoarena OÜ
- Wood industry
- Support 1 979 411 €
- Investment 4 398 692 €
- Audit completion date 2019
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Tinfor AS
- Metal industry
- Support 200 000 €
- Investment 700 000 €
- Audit completion date 2020
- Project info →