Complete energy, resource and environmental efficiency solutions for business customers
We are focused on solutions where the payback period is less than five years
and up to 90% can be saved!
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Our main clients are
Manufacturing and industry
- Wood industry
- Plastics industry
- Chemical industry
- Mining industry
- Furniture industry
- Metal industry
- Textile industry
- Paper industry
- Food processing industry
- Electronics industry
Commercial real estate and construction
- Designers
- Electricity companies
- General contractors
- Offices and office buildings
- University buildings
- Hospitals
- Schools and kindergartens
- Community buildings
- Hotels and spas
- Any commercial real estate

Customer money
saved (M€)

Saved electricity

Saved heat energy

CO2 not emitted into the atmosphere (t)

Saved water
Do you want to reduce your company's energy and administrative
costs by 50%?
About the company
DeltaE Engineering Office provides complete energy, resource and environmental efficiency solutions for business customers. We are focused on areas and solutions where the payback period is less than five years and it is possible to achieve savings of up to 90%. Today, DeltaE is one of the leading companies offering energy and resource efficient complete solutions in Estonia. As a team of nearly thirty top-level engineers, all problems are solved in the following areas: electricity, lighting, water, heating, cooling, ventilation, compressed air, measurement and monitoring systems, and production-based areas. DeltaE stands for change in energy consumption.
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Our work process from problem to results
Resource efficiency measure for manufacturing companies
The Environmental Investment Center supports the implementation of investments in production technology and resource efficiency projects of industrial enterprises. In 2022, new rounds and measures with a support volume of up to 100 M € are planned. The rate of support per company is up to 50% and the amount of support is up to € 200,000. If you want to receive a grant, please contact us! All production technology investments are eligible!